One of the more interesting outcomes of living the THPL life is that there are activities, approaches, experiences, that in the normal course of a life would be considered “different” or “abnormal”. And then we make the commitment to the THPL life and we start the process of normalizing, previously non-normal activities. For example, I am back in London this week, was here last week, 15th trip to the UK in the past 18 months. What used to feel like a long trip is now just another business trip; passport in hand and a good pattern and it feels not so different than a commute to work. And the examples are rampant in the THPL community, 30k steps a day for 30 days, or reading a book a week, or sleeping four and a half hours a night. There are most likely so many more and the fun is that we can create a new normal with our decision to make it so and we can watch it happen and celebrate it when our peers take it to that new normal level. A life worth living is one where we push beyond previously conceived of limits and make it normal for evermore. Yes, indeed it is!
Loving life ….when non-normal becomes normal