The harder I work

When we make the choice to become part of the THPL we do so knowing that there is an explicit  commitment that we have to make to a way of life that has our focus on Life, Learning and Fitness.  And it is how we think about this commitment that will drive a lot ofhow our life develops.   The focus takes effort, sometimes more than others.  Are we willing to put in the effort?  We do, after all have control over how we apply ourselves.  And when we realize that the effort we put in does make a difference it has many benefits that are direct and indirect.  It is with this in mind that the maxim applies, “the harder I work, the luckier I get in life and all else”.  Seems that indeed we can make our own luck.  Let’s give it a try and see what happens.  Put in extra effort and then watch for the return.  Life will be grand indeed!                                                

Loving life when I make my own luck