THPL requires a lot of energy to stay on top of our “game” and to keep us properly fueled we need to take in the right food and get the right nutrition every day. Some days we might push even harder and then we need even more of the right fuel to keep the energy levels high and the real food to keep us whole and healthy. And it is with this in mind that I share a book that can get us smarter about what we eat and educated us on what we are heating. Real Food/Fake Food written by Larry Olmstead brings readers into the unregulated food industry, revealing a shocking deception that extends from high-end foods like olive oil, wine, and Kobe beef to everyday staples such as coffee, honey, juice, and cheese. It’s a massive bait and switch where counterfeiting is rampant and where the consumer ultimately pays the price. Part cautionary tale, part culinary crusade, Real Food/Fake Food is readable, and utterly relevant and Larry Olmsted has a way of communicating to us why real food matters.
Loving life when I am eating real food