The THPL journey can be all consuming. It requires focus and diligence and to the degree that we can keep distractions to a minimum we will enjoy the journey better and achieve ever so much more. And part of how we stay focused is by being smart about the people who we spend time with. We need not be exclusive, nor selfish, but we also need to spend more time with people who add to our lives. They are the ones who help us directly and know when to leave us alone – they could cheer us on or coach us when we need it – they will be there when we need it even when we don’t ask for help. They are the people we call real friends, the ones we count on and who really make a difference in our lives. It could be just one person or a few but for sure it is not all of whom we meet on our journey. We need to protect our friendships, cherish them and invest time in them. It is the best thing we can do, that is for sure.
Loving life when I am hanging with my real friends