A good THPL journey will have plenty of moments of intensity. It is the nature of the journey and the challenges that we take on….and when we do heart rate goes up, senses are heightened, feeling intensifies. And this is good, to a point. If we allow the intensity to take over then performance can diminish. We can get to a place where we are way too emotional and it is hard to focus. And from there very few good things will happen. What we learn from this is that when the intensity rises the best thing to do is to remain calm. Serene, relaxed, not feeling nervous, being calm is a great state to have at the ready. It takes practice to know how to be calm. Proper breathing, visualization, being prepared, are just some of the ways that allow us to be calm. Being calm consistently takes practice and the right mindset. It is a place that we can go to when we want; we just need to make the right decisions and act on all that we had practiced and being calm then becomes natural. And when you are calm, others become calm, and all things start to be just that much better.
Loving life when I am calm