what's next

There is a risk that we all take, we get on the journey and we let it play out, day after day.  We get used to what we are doing. It feels good because it has our three elements, Life, Learning and Fitness.  We have our techniques, our practices, community. All seems good.  And it is good.  The risk, though, is that we forget that our system needs more than just day to day to improve, to take us to the next level, we need to figure out what is next.  What is that small goal, that big goal?  It should be part of our THPL DNA – what is next, are there new techniques that we should try, has someone pushed the envelope that we read about? have we looked for inspiration from others?   We can have fun with it.  Get excited about what is possible.  Share ideas with others, stay away from getting stuck on a plateau, and most of all embrace what could be.  It is the first step to achieving more.  So what is next?

Loving life when I am planning my next