A pat on the back

If you are living the THPL life and making the most of your journey, you do so with a lot of internal motivation and limited need fir external validation.  The journey when lived to its fullest cannot be dependent on others for their participation or their cooperation.  Too often if we were to do this we would be compromising and modifying to fit to the needs and approach of someone else.  And while there are many times that it is important to synch up with others, and to do it in a group, there are equally as many times that doing our routine on our own is the best strategy.  And so, as we watch members of our community follow this path, it is good to think about recognizing them as they work through their training and their journey.  A nice pat on the back that says, “you are doing great” is a gift that we need give out more often.  It is always appropriate and always appreciated.   Yes, we can get through the journey on our own, it just feels a bit better when others know what we are going through and that simple pat on the back is all we need to feel great about our choices.

Loving life when I give (or get) a pat on the back