As we pass long the THPL journey there are some things that are consistent. They show up predictably because we have themes and approaches that affect all dimensions of our mission to push towards higher levels of personal achievement. And it seems that when we push hard, harder than is comfortable, to get to that next level, fear can often show up. And it is when we start to feel fear that breakthroughs are possible. The fear can come from a lack of knowledge, experience, support – it can show itself for many reasons. And it can also be overcome with the right preparation and practice and mindset and community. We can use all of these to “normalize” the fear and set ourselves up to push through a barrier to get to that next level of performance. It is through this process that we grow and develop. And so, could it be that we need to push hard enough, from time to time, that fear shows itself? Should we seek it out, not in a reckless way, but in a way that is alluring and captivating, albeit intimidating. Seems that it might just be the sign that good things are about to happen……indeed they might…
Loving life when I find fear