There are some themes that we know are going to show themselves, again and again, while on our journey. For example, we will find a time when we say, we are just too busy to exercise. Too much going on, cannot fit it in, etc. With a bit of thought, though, it is hard to accept this conclusion. We know intrinsically that there are at least 30-60 minutes, three to five times a week that we can exercise. All we have to do is to take away the obstacles – for example, we don’t need a gym to exercise, we can exercise while watching TV if the TV is a must, we don’t need equipment if we are traveling and on and on – there are no excuses – just working the objections away and making it easy to accomplish this important task. We can do what we want, walk, run, planks, step-ups on a box, situps, pushups and so many other options – let’s just pick what works for us, let’s do it regularly and let’s stay true to our commitment to exercise – it is that important for us to do it….
Loving life when I exercise regularly