What Did We Give

For too much of our journey, we get used to looking for something, waiting for people to do something for us, expecting something to happen.  And as this unfolds, we can get caught up in the back and forth of wanting and needing.  With a bit of introspection, we might realize that we have a lot, that whatever else it is that we need is relatively unnecessary.  It is an interesting moment for sure and it can and should cause us to pick up our heads and look around and we might find that there are others who are in need who could use our help.  A bit of time, a few dollars, a moment to listen….so many things that we can give, giving of ourselves to others who would greatly appreciate our assistance and help.  There are many opportunities to build a foundation and a strong and vibrant life – let’s make sure we do this for ourselves and certainly do it for as many others as we can.  It is only right and just to do so.

Loving life when I give to others 
