Look for the positives

It is hard for any of us to go for a few hours without some mention of the coronavirus or the implications of our circumstances.  We are getting to a place where we are working in earnest on containing the virus and taking care of those who are in need.  Not perfect yet but we are making progress, especially when we all cooperate. And while we want an answer for how long we will live like this we know deep down that there is no “exact” answer, it will play out and we will know when it is “safe” to go back to our “former” lives.  In the meantime,

 let’s focus on as many positive things as we can.  Maybe we are getting to spend more time with family, it could be that our reduced air pollution could have a lasting benefit, we have our government starting to take care of people in need and we are cooperating with each other that has been unseen since 9/11.  There are many more positives, we just need to look around us.  There is good in all that we do and while there is a lot of seriousness required to address our circumstance the search for positives is critical to the long term.  It’s time to balance both sides out, big challenges on one side and positives on the other.  We will get this right – it will just take some time.

Loving life when I am looking at the positives
