In tough times

It was Vince Lombardi who said when the going gets tough the tough get going.  Quite the insight from a football coach.  Not sure if he knew what was ahead for us outside of the game of football but even if he did or didn’t know his observation is striking.  It becomes ever more obvious that this pandemic is not a quickie, or once and done, it is something that will be with us for a longish time.  At work, in government, at home, in life, we are all being tested. And it would seem then that it is time for us to be standing up to this tough circumstance and get going.  It is obvious where the leadership is coming from and it is also obvious that we need more of it.  Let’s, then, support our leaders and step up to what is needed now and for the foreseeable future.  There is a path through these tough moments but not without rising above and doing what Mr. Lombardi stated, indeed.

Loving life when I rise up in tough times
