It seems that lately we have been glued to the coverage of the COVID-19 crisis. It dominates much of how we think each day and how we feel. It is hard to avoid the topic, and maybe we should not, but either way, it is what we hear and how we are told and what we discuss that has a big impact on how the pandemic is affecting us all. We do not need false hope, nor do we need exaggeration or hyperbole. We need data, information, ideas, insights, and advice that we can consume and use as we see fit. There are times when less information is better and keeping the storyline balanced is better. We need to be informed and that is where it should start and end. How we inform matters, how we say it matters, how it is heard matters. So, let’s keep in mind that what we say is important and we can do more harm than good when we get it wrong and vice-versa we can do a lot of good when we get it right. Here’s to getting it right!
Loving life when I am saying it right.