National Park Week

Every April, the National Park Foundation supports and celebrates National Park Week from April 17- April 25.  It is a week for all of us to celebrate America’s natural treasures.  A time to explore amazing places, discover stories of history and culture and see parts of the country that are unique and special.   We should go visit even if we can only spend a day.  April 17th is a free entrance day but even if we cannot get there for free the entry fee is a great way to spend a few dollars as it supports these special places.  The parks are just another example of the good that can happen when we protect our lands.  There are a lot of lessons that can come from the parks in the way that they were conceived and how they have endured.  So, let’s find some time to enjoy our natural resources even if it isn’t this coming week.   

Loving life when I visit a National Park
