It’s hard to believe that four years ago, (today) April 10th, I set out to run a marathon on six continents in six days. A challenge of a lifetime; starting at the Sydney Harbor Bridge the magic of the week started and six days later I found my way to Los Angeles (with stops in Singapore, Johannesburg, London, and Sao Paolo). Everything about it was magical, the friends in each continent who supported the event, the locations that we ran in, the runners who joined us, the kids we supported through our efforts, and the people we met along the way. A moment in time that demonstrated the beauty and grace of the human spirit. An opportunity to go and do something that in many ways fell into the category of unimaginable. And yet, it happened and after four years a lasting memory of a unique experience that was born of curiosity, an adventurous spirit, and a desire to find out what it would be like to reach into the depths of what is possible. It’s always there for the taking – the opportunity, with no permission required, to live big, even if only for a moment…..
Loving life four years later….yes indeed