We know that as consuming as our journey can be it is important to stay in tune with all that goes on around us. Of late there have been situations, in our broader community, that are disappointing and miss the core of what we stand for – that each individual is unique and special and that we each have immense potential that we seek to optimize in our daily lives. It bears stating again and again - we can never condone nor accept any behavior that disrespects another person, for any reason, ever. And we build on this undeniable truth by showing, in the way that we live and traverse our journey, that our positive behavior can have a collateral positive effect on others. That goodness is indeed contagious, that when we treat others well it sets the mark for how others should do the same. It all starts with us, with respect for each other, the living of a principled life, and the rejection of anything less than treating others as we ourselves would want to be treated. It is always a good time to reinforce what we know matters.
Loving life when I see goodness all around me